Friday, January 1, 2010

The Power of Beliefs is Real

I went to the mosque. " I need to take lunch rapidly and get back to the office, because Marouene needs me for something". It was closed. "What"?". Very strange. At this time doors must be open and muslims must be coming in groups. Where are they?
I looked around me. Nobody is bothered by my stupefaction. I looked at my watch again. 11:50am. I'm sure, it's time! Is there a problem with the mosque??
Then a memory flash of a conversation hit me
" -Sofiane, we need to hurry up, today is Friday and I need to be ready for the prayer.
- No Wassim, don't fool me :) it's Thursday, not Friday.
- Stop kidding me and let's continue. "
So it was Thursday ! Why did I thought it was Friday? It was so intense that undoublty thought it was Friday.
Waw. I realize now the power of beliefs. Imagine I have the same thoughts about myself, my skills, my selfconfidence. How my world would be?...


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