Sunday, September 8, 2013

P90X Coach

You get a coach in business, you get a coach in relationships,...and you can get a coach in P90X workout.
I sent a request to Team BeachBody to change my female coach. She was never there to mentor me.
So I've sent an emai to Team BeachBody asking to change my coach to Troy Hoff.
I think the role of a coach, let alone free coaching, is not to push you everytime, but to put you on track whenever your motivation level is low, or when your comfort zone is keeping you from exploring new horizons.
Team BeachBody were very effective. They sent me a quick reply and changed my coach.
Why did I choose Troy? first, I wanted a P90X graduate. I wanted someone who exactly knows what I would be talking about, someone who went through all the "pain" :)
Second, I wanted somebody with the kind of body that I want to build.
Last, I wanted a coach who has developed the discipline to stay ripped no matter what his age is.

  (photo credit: Troy Hoff)


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